Monday, December 14, 2009

In The Beginning II

Now that you know who I am and what I am proposing to take on, I think is it fair to go into more detail.

I am not sure if the program with run the full 52 weeks in the year or not. Seeing that the first episode has not been recorded, it is a little too soon to tell. What the plan involved for the first year is that the show would run 30 minutes once a week during the time that school is in session for most teachers.

Then again what I do have to realize is that there is such a thing as summer school and year round school program that meet. But then again, how many teachers that are not working in the summer would actually want to listen to a program related to education? I am going to assume that more teachers would listen from Fall-Spring.

I have considered doing a summer program with a one hour format that would air one or twice during the summer months. The themes of the program during the summer months would probably gear toward advancing student academic progress through home activities or through extracurricular programs or camps. This is not to say that 6 main topics from the first blog post will not be incorporated in the summer programs.

This is a big undertaking, I realize. And frankly, I know probably most of you dont have time to read a long article that can easily be broken up in bite size pieces to enjoy and digest. However, I do appreciate those who take the time to read this.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

In the Beginning


I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Heather Wallace from Memphis, TN. I am currently a student at Union Universiy in Jackson, TN. My degree will be a Masters of Arts in Intercultural Studies with a concentration in Teaching English as a Second Language. My BA was recieved from University of Memphis in Foreign Languages with a concentration in Spanish.

Language Today is my brainchild that I developed in my Curriculum Development class. There are some really nice podcasts dedicated to learning ESL and foreign language. However, I haven't noticed that deal with curriculum and course planning as opposed to language learning. I must admit that I am more technologically disadvantaged than I lead on.

The original name of the project was TESL TODAY! but I came to a realization about language learning in general. There are issues that affect teachers and students not just in the foreign language classroom but also the ESL classroom. There are issues that need to be discussed in certain teacher education programs that may not be given much attention. ESL has its own special themes that need special focus. Another part of the original plan was to focus only the southern states, but then I realized that was a silly idea. If the same issues are found in the south, then they are everywhere.

So far, I have created at least 40 episoded dedicated to many issues such as:

*Education Policy and Program (No Child Left Behind, Montessori, Bilingual Education, Heritage Language Education, Adult Literacy, etc)
*Cultural Competency (war/militarism, human trafficking, domestic violence, gentrification,Cultural customs, tribalism/gang violence, literacy, CRT, etc)
*Teacher/Peer Networking (conferences, workshops)
*Media in the Classroom (Internet, movies, music, books, blogs, podcasts, radio)
*EFL/ Volunteer Opportunities
*Teacher Methodology (textbooks, role play, art, reading, discipline, organization, journals

I must admit, that some of the show's themes may overlap. Episodes will be planned in 30 minute intervals to run once a week. I am hoping to learn how to actually create the podcast very soon. Everything is still in the brainstorming process while I deal with my health problems will should be gone by March or April. Then we will see where this goes.

Guests will be invited to participated in show either as interviewees or co-hosts. there will be a need for volunteers to help with technical stuff, interviewing, research, etc. There are other things that I am probably missing at the moment but we will deal with that when the moment comes.

Feel free to leave feedback suggestions...all that good stuff.
You may also email me at

Until next time.