Friday, March 26, 2010

A Pending List

I'm getting a wonderful response from teachers so far. Here is a list so far of topics and I am sure this list will get bigger.

Classical Languages
College Preparatory
Various literacies (writing, reading, speaking, listening)
Faculty Support
Dealing with Parents
Working with students with various fluency levels
Garnering student interests
Making target language practical
Perception of parents
Pedagogical training specific to school's education philosophy

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Whew! Phase 1 almost complete

So I have sent out probably quite a few sets of emails (4 mass, possibly 7 individuals) all attached with surveys. I am anticipating quite a few 'nos' but I know that there were be some 'yeses'. I heard from two teachers in the Memphis private school sector. One of which threw an idea that I haven't even considered. He is a teacher whose focus is in classical languages.

When I first created this project, I think I took for granted that classical languages are foreign languages that are no longer used in general conversation but they are still foreign languages that can be used in areas outside of law or medicine like art history, archeology, religious/spiritual studies, linguistics, etc. This is making me rethink some recording ideas (in a good way).

Monday, March 22, 2010


I think I just had an A HA! moment. As I have been working towards making a podcast program possible, I had to come to a realization that I may need to start off with paper or ezine route. My laptop has kicked the proverbial bucket. So now my next step is to look up teachers that work in foreign languages/ ESL for the purpose of sending a brief survey in creating topics that teachers/ students are interested in discussing.

The next step afterwords, will be to set up a meeting for volunteers and continue to do research. The more I move with this, I am learning so much and am grateful for this experience. I can't wait for the end results regardless if we actually start the podcast this summer or if we just have to have a website or proboards forum first.

So,here is a general breakdown of the plan as of now

I. Search grants/ find funding
II.Survey teachers/college students via email or in person
III. Advertise for Volunteers
IV. Prepare for Interest Meeting (prepare survey for Volunteers)
V. Interest Meeting
VI. Staff Volunteers according to interest
VII. First meeting

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Moving Along

I just finished the Pepsi Grant challenge. The deadline is April 1st. That gives me room to edit and think things through. I would have turned it in this month but I realize that I have been unrealistic in some of the goals I had as far as the show's progress.

I still intend to get students from schools in Memphis and Jackson. I realize that having a smaller base would be in the best interest of a start up.

In the original plan, I had 49 episodes. Then I knocked it down to 36. Again, I do realize that room for error must be made so I have elected for 24 episodes. In this way, if there is something that needs to be corrected, then there is not a need to rush. These things take time and I want this to go swimmingly.